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The College acknowledges the wide diversity of student interests, abilities, needs, and styles. 我们期望每个学生, 还有一位指导老师, will create a coherent program of study in accordance with the College’s 教育目标.

Academic advising is considered an integral function of the teaching role of faculty members. Each student entering Pitzer College is assigned a faculty adviser. Students are encouraged to consult frequently with their advisers concerning the formulation and development of their academic 项目.

超出官方指定的学术顾问, students are encouraged to consult with other faculty members as well. 教师代表了广泛的专业知识, and members of the faculty will be glad to talk with students about their fields of interest. In conjunction with the Center for Career and Community Services, one faculty member of each field group is designated as the graduate school adviser.

Prior to midterm of the second semester of the sophomore year, students will choose a major adviser and begin discussions regarding the major. Students must complete a Major/教育目标 form and submit it to the Office of the 注册商 no later than midterm of the first semester of the junior year.


Your relationship with your academic adviser goes far beyond formal approval of course enrollment selections. 除了帮你选课, the relationship you develop with your adviser should allow for easy discussions of issues such as setting goals, 时间管理, 平衡学业和生活的其他部分, 适应匹泽学院严谨的学术环境, 和更多的. 简而言之, you should have discussions with your adviser about how to achieve and maintain academic success at Pitzer.


“积极主动. 不要让别人决定你的生活. 努力独立.”

“You don’t have to do everything in your first year. 还有时间.”

“没有那么多时间了. 四年过得很快. 提前计划.”

“Try to build many dimensions of diversity into your program, every semester!”

“有很多非常有趣的, 这里每周都有免费活动——音乐会, 演讲者, 电影, 艺术节目, 等. You should make the effort, since you won’t have this sort of opportunity once you leave Pitzer. Look particularly at the 项目 of MCSI (Pitzer), 斯克里普斯人文学院, 和Atheneum (CMC).”

“The material in the textbook and the material in the lectures will not be one and the same as they were in high school. 上课记笔记.”

“Talk often with your academic adviser and your professors.”

“Take note of the final exam times in courses that have them, especially if you live a long way from Claremont and will need to buy a plane ticket home in advance.”

“好的决定取决于好的信息. 去找你的学术顾问.”

“Read the Pitzer College catalog in your first year.”

“Professors are not responsible for your learning: You are.”

“没有真正关闭的课程. If a course is closed, try PERMing into it, or just go to the first class session. Many professors would rather enroll someone who shows interest by appearing on the first day, as opposed to no-shows who pre-registered last semester.”

“了解毕业需要什么. Find out when and how often key courses are offered.”

“It is always good to get a second opinion regarding advice on key issues, especially if the first opinion came from a fellow student.”

“If your classmates seem sure of their futures while you are not, 你应该知道他们并不确定, 2)过早下结论是不好的.”

“If you’re having problems with a class, go and talk to the professor. 这就是他/她在那里的原因. 也要和你的学术顾问谈谈, and with 学术支援服务 in the Office of Student Affairs.”

“If you are not having problems with a class, go and talk to the professor. This is why you are at a small liberal arts college.”

“Give yourself the flexibility and the time to adapt to Pitzer and Claremont.”

“Don’t worry (too much) about being uncertain with regard to your major or career. 享受探索的机会. 挑战你自己.”

“Don’t wait until the last minute to do the readings or study for an exam; get a good night’s sleep beforehand.”

“Don’t take more than one or two courses in a semester from the same professor, 甚至在同一个话题上.”

“Don’t take all introductory courses in the same semester; vary the style of courses – an “intro”, 专题研讨会, 等.”

“Don’t load all of your courses on two or three days. 把你的课程分散在一周内.”

“一些课程(导论)每年都有. Some courses are only taught once or twice, perhaps by a visiting professor. 如果你感兴趣,现在就拿这些.”

“Your professors will not be hanging around the campus all day, every day like in high school. 在他们的办公时间去找他们, or make an appointment in advance (usually by email).”

“在选择双学位时要三思. They really limit your ability to take courses in a broad range of areas.”

“你回避任何学术科目吗?? 为什么? Think about the possibility of taking a course “Pass/No Credit”. 抓住机会. 你可能会发现新的兴趣.”

“The best major is one that interests you intellectually.”

“买你的书,在上面写字. 阅读是你和文章之间的对话.”

“把你的名字写在书上. 如果你把它丢在某个地方,你会找回来的.”

“你将拥有比以往更多的自由. 享受它. But don’t do anything irrevocable without giving it careful thought.”


“Double check your progress toward graduation with your academic adviser and the 注册商.”

“参加各种各样的课程. 考虑与可能的专业相关的科目, 与可能的职业相关的科目, 你一无所知的科目, 你觉得有挑战性的科目, 以及你感兴趣的科目.”


“确保你的生活保持平衡. You should be intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually stimulated. 保持健康,合理饮食.”

“不要落后. College classes move quickly, so trying to play catch-up almost never works. 不要参加派对,跟上进度.”

“寻求帮助——去找教授谈谈, 帮助会议, or to tutoring is showing that you are clever enough to take advantage of what is offered.”